Deuteronomy is the last of the five books in the Torah. They have chronicled the beginning of the world, the flood, Abraham, slavery in Egypt, the Ten Commandments, wandering in the desert for 40 years, and now finally, Moses is at the end of his life and He is charging…
Tag: Moses

Numbers- Where Justice and Mercy Balance the Scale
Thus far, on our journey through the Old Testament, Numbers has been by far the hardest to prepare for. Leviticus is usually where my flesh wants to get choked up. The laws are so heavy and some are incredibly difficult to understand from my modern view of the world, and…

Leviticus – God’s painting of His Holiness
Instead of narrowing in on a specific law or passage in this book, let’s examine some lenses to use as we study the book as a whole.

Glory and Goodness Exodus is the second book in the Bible. It picks up right where Genesis ended. Abraham’s family has indeed been created and grown. His great-grandson was sold into slavery and subsequentially rose to second in command of all Egypt. God has started to fulfil the things He…